Message from a next world

After death of nobleman Shubina Alexander Kuzmicha there was its diary, dated 1879 го­дом. Diary records have made interesting and, in my opinion, a true story.
Here that Alexander Kuzmich has written.
«Everything that I will describe in this writing-book, - the real truth, but at the life I hardly to whom will tell this history, as have given on that fair благород­ное a word to the companion who for the present, thank God, is live. With осьмнадцати years we strong were on friendly terms with Vasily Platonovichem and Ivan Sergeevichem Bulygin, and our friendship was sincere and true. Between us never was secrets and недоговоренно­стей, and we quite often philosophised about life and about what our real destination.
Vasily was the most nice in these conversations, certainly. It could combine in the graceful image our disputes in rhymes. We were young and did not represent myself the friend without the friend, but the destiny has disposed on-svoyoemu, and here I should leave for two years for гра­ницу. As it is got, we with friends have decided to spend last evening together and behind a sparkling wine glass to talk on favourite themes.
But this time in our friendly meeting there was no usual enthusiasm and a spark. Forthcoming separation вне­сла a sad note on our conversation.
At first we have started talking about time parting, and then somehow were imperceptibly switched to eternal separation. Began to argue that can us ожи­дать behind line of death.
Judged and рядили in an any way, and in the end жарко­го dispute have pledged each other a word that if somebody from us will go to a better world the first it should in any way to let know that the soul dying tests at its outcome from a body …. My trip abroad has occupied much more time, than two years. Correspondence with friends нео­жиданно has interrupted, and I, to the shame, became забы­вать friends of the magnificent youth. After returning home I began to go round with визи­тами acquaintances and here have learnt that Vasily боль­ше is not present, and Ivan for a long time nobody saw. As early as years through five me it was possible to be in Tambov and there I could see Ivan Sergeevicha, but all focus that he has been dressed as the simple beggar: in a grey homespun homespun coat, with linen сумой through a shoulder and a knotty stick in a hand.

When I was convinced that it it for the pleasure, despite amazed looks мамзелей, has embraced the friend of a youth and there and then has impatiently asked a question, ко­торый since the first instant of our meeting tormented me:
— What means this masquerade why you, дворя­нин by birth, are dressed in a tatter?
Meanwhile I have noticed that on Ivan SergeeYovicha's person there was no confusion and any another конфуз­ного expressions, except mildness and pleasure of that he so has unexpectedly met me.
Then we have come with it into the nearest tavern, and there I from it have heard the strange story from everything that I heard for all my life.
At first my friend has asked me:
— Whether You Remember our vow to find any воз­можность after physical death to be, yes not in the sleep, and in reality?
— And so, our friend Vasily Platonovich has kept the word and was near me as now you, are equal for the ninth day after the terrestrial death. Certainly, it has told me everything about what we then have agreed during last our meeting. And about that as му­чительно leaves smothering our transitory body and мно­гое another. It so has amazed me, and result of all comprehended you see now.

As a result I have sold the manor and all to last полушки have given on charitable affairs. Then almost six years I helped to build the hands a temple. Now I try to live justly, praying for forgiveness sins - as the, and other people. That I can, I to you have already told, and that is forbidden, that I will not tell to anybody, and you me for it, my friend, forgive and do not condemn. - with these words Ivan Sergeevich has risen, has bowed to me in a belt and silently has departed from me, without having touched tasty meal which I have ordered for it.
I looked in a back of the leaving friend of mine мла­дых days, and I had such feeling that to it изве­стно something that сподвигло it, a nobleman of an old family to leave all luxury and delights of life for execution to not clear my mind of mission ».

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