This one of huge number of letters which каждодневно come to Stepanovoj Natalia Ivanovne.

If to ask the sacred help!

From the letter: «. Good afternoon, my dear person Natalia Ivanovna! The Valentina Egorovna rescued by you writes to you. Everything that I will write in this letter, a naked truth. About you I heard still many years ago, and then I had your book. By this time I already strongly was ill and was on the first group of physical inability. Doctors could not help me, and I lost every day forces, lying one in apartment. At times was on a belt in shit, on wet bed-sheets, children at me were not, so it has turned out, and the husband as I was ill, has suffered with me, and has left to the sister. And that it can be understood, five years I did not rise almost.
Once neigbour Liza has come to me, has looked at all and speaks:
— You, Bringing down, it was not closed. Or keys to me give. God forbid you will die, anybody and does not learn. Really at you никогошеньки from native is not present?
I have told that was not present. Лиза has asked me on whom I bequeathed apartment if native anybody is not present. On its this question I have kept silent. But Liza again about it has started talking. She has offered that at me will clean and feed me but on condition that I will make on her the will.
Since this evening it began to look after me and to keep order in apartment. It is necessary to tell that from the not developed bitter life I had suspiciousness and to anybody never trusted. I understand that it is bad line but what is, such is.
I began to think, lying in bed that is not excluded that the neigbour will accelerate my death. However in appearance Liza was tender and careful, persuaded to eat, as I did not have appetite and forces was not to eat. That me to persuade to eat some spoons of porridge, talked to me as with small about all successively, and basically it is more about you. It had your books, here it from them to me retold all, and then aloud began to read.
Every day, remaining one, I thought of you more and more, Natalia Ivanovna, and talked to you mentally. Addressed to you that as to mother, as to the sister. Complained to you of the bitter share. It seemed to me that you hear me and are sorry. Once Liza has brought your new book, I so was delighted to it and I speak:
— Liza, you only do not laugh. At me in a shower such feeling, intuition, or still how to tell.
I am assured that if I have kissed a hand or though an edge of a hem at Natalia Ivanovny,
Would recover, has not died also all at me it would be good, as at native mum when I was still the girl.
Whether I have suffered much so, whether nerves have handed over completely, has told so, and tears at me have rushed, yes so roughly, with всхлипами. And suddenly, Bozhenki, I have seen in a corner the woman, in a dark dress in a small floret. All like as in a smoke, but I have made out that hair are picked up back and tied up as like something by a lung, as a scarf, whether that, or a kerchief. I without points badly see. Hair at the woman are divided into a parting in the middle, not high and not small, not the thin. Handles only, small and свечечку the lighted hold palms. During the first instant I обмерла, feel, all blood has cast from the face and heart has stood, as has exactly stopped. This image has caught my sight, holds and does not release. It lasted for certain not for long. As though I differently could to be long with the stopped heart? But for this instant I have regenerated or as want name. Then heart has fluttered, has struck with fault and here began to fight exactly and so well, confidently as though I again was 15 years old. To a body has flowed something roast, blood on veins, it is visible, has begun to flow. I have become covered by a perspiration as after баньки. Only then the woman has looked away and has disappeared.
— Bringing down, you that? — I at last have heard appeals of scared Lizy.
— You saw it? — I have asked the neigbour.
— Whom? — The neigbour has not understood me.
— Natalia Ivanovnu, with a candle, — I have whispered.
Лиза has negatively shaken a head, and has then told:
— And after all and truth strongly smells as a candle.
It has begun to enquire, but I already failed in a dream and not in a condition was to it to answer. Since this day I began to recover. I ate for a three, slept like a log. Waking up I marvelled clearness in a head and to that anywhere and was ill nothing. Then I began to rise and move on apartment. In a month I went to shop.
There was time, I any more do not consider myself the patient. I am absolutely healthy. I will tell more, to me ver-nulsja the Gene, my husband, would not be desirable to be one. I have However, returned it under your book. Подозре¬ваю that my neigbour is disappointed that my apartment not soon will get to it a little. And can be, it and not so, and business in my suspicious character. Though I would forgive it all on light, after all it it, Lizonka, has brought to me your books.
I here all think, what it was? Say after all that sacred are, when them call. Perhaps, the Lord was given to you by this gift knowingly and you sacred, or a sin so to think? Though on what I will swear, saw I you and Liza has scented ashes from a candle. Or so my belief in you and an expected miracle was strong, what my organism was reconstructed?»

If to you it is heavy, if you have lost any belief in спасенье the, resort to this miracle prayer. On your belief it will be rendered to you.


Во имя Отца и Сына и Святого Духа. Всегда, ныне и присно и во веки веков. Аминь.
Небесных сил все воинство: Вначале святой и великий Иоанн Пророк, за ним Креститель Господень, а вслед святые отцы: Филипп, Зиновей, Агафей, Илья Пророк. Святые евангелисты: Марко, Марфей, Лука и Иоанн Богослов. И сорок святых и двенадцать учеников, мученики и Великомученики, старцы пустыни, старцы затворники, кланяюсь вам до земли, прошу вашей помощи, ибо вы есть оплот и стержень истинной веры нерушимой. Чаю я и уповаю в свой тяжкий час, ради матерей ваших и слез их прошу вас помочь мне, душе моей и телеси моему. Исцеления прошу и помощи от вас, ибо я как дитя малое, беспомощное.
Прославляю вас и дела ваши и прибегаю в моленье моем о душе и теле моем. Не отриньте меня, ибо я верю вам. Слава Отцу и Сыну и Святому Духу. Ныне, присно, во веки веков. Аминь.

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