It is devoted to the Great Siberian healer – Eudoxias Stepanovoj. |
I should tell that always when drops on what be put a name Eudoxia, I always have a prophetic dream. A dream in which reveals what be secret or an everyday problem. Saw through this woman much. Even when to me there is a laziness to receive the answer to the necessary question in another way, will simply ask Eudoxia and she will prompt in the sleep the answer. Mother Eudoxia in the art is strong, here will tell nothing and I think that in due course many will believe in it. I will tell only that if you all heart love a sort of Stepanovyh which from generation to generation devoted all terrestrial life to True service to God, without hypocrisy, not in words, and in practice, helping needing you will get support of this nowadays for me of the Sacred woman, but you should try to live justly …. |
спросишь друг мой милый
Я о ком стихи слагаю,
И о ком вот в этих строках
Хочу людям рассказать,
Много женщин есть на свете
Но она была другая,
Ее звали Евдокией
Я ж святой хочу назвать.
в ее оконце
Словно лучик в темном царстве,
Как последняя надежда
Для людей она была,
Скольким жизни подарила
Добротой души деляся,
Сколько душ спасла по жизни
От великого огня.
может в этих строках
Уложиться книга жизни,
Боль людская и страданье
Те, что видела она,
Разве можно как - то словом
Благодать воздать за помощь,
За подаренные жизни
За великие дела.
скажет, что ж такого
Все мы здесь по воле Божьей
Под одним все ходим небом
Все идем свой тропой,
Спорить братцы я не буду
Только все же я считаю,
-Пока есть на свете грешник
Значит должен быть святой.
дорог не выбираем
И судьбу свою не пишем
Ведь за долго до рожденья
Та написана судьба
Есть на ком-то милость Божья,
На ком гнев лежит великий,
А кому-то верой, правдой
Служить людям до конца.
есть на небе место
Что зовется Царством Божьим,
В этом Царстве - искра Божья
Есть там светлая душа,
Выйди в поле друг мой милый
Громко крикни - Евдокия
Коли с верой сделать это
То придет к тебе она.
всходит и заходит
Жизнь течет в обычном русле
Все живут своим заботам
Кто любовью, кто мечтой,
Только там в небесной выси
В Царстве светлом и чудесном,
Молит Бога Евдокия
Что бы мир наш был иной.
снежинка с неба
Упадет и в миг растает,
Так и мы уйдем однажды
В те неведомы места,
Только знайте, что на свете
Люди вроде Евдокии
Были, есть и точно будут
То посланники Творца...
Евдокии сибирской на любую потребу (написана
О, Святая, мудрая заступница, помощница
и великая целительница Евдокия.
Ты с детства всем сердцем и душою возлюбившая
Господа нашего и всю свою жизнь, посвятившая помощи
нуждающимся в исцелении. Прославившаяся при жизни
мудростью своею и милосердием к нуждающимся.
Исцеляла болящих, наставляла заблудших,
защищала обидимых, сохраняла просящих.
Ныне и мы грешные, немощнии и недостойнии прибегаем,
к твоей помощи и заступлению перед Господом нашим.
Помоги нам святая Евдокия, помоги нам молитвою
твоею обрести покой и здравие душевное и телесное,
защити от бесовских ловлений и напастей.
Матушка милосердная, смилуйся на нас грешных,
пролей милосердие свое великое на нас.
Мудростью своею, настави нас грешных на путь
праведный, укрепи и поддержи. Покровом своим
невидимым укрой и обереги нас от бед и несчастий,
как при жизни укрывала ты молитвой своей нуждающихся.
Будь непрестанной молитвенницей и ходатаем перед Господом
нашим и Царицею Небесной Богородицей за нас грешных.
Да всегда славим и величаем Отца и Сына и Святого Духа,
всепетую Богородицу нашу и твое милостивное ко всем нам
заступление, во веки веков. Аминь.
Always at all times, God sends on the earth of the elects, allocating with their greatest gift – to cure people of illnesses. Which, live the terrestrial life for the sake of sick people, for the sake of their disposal of sufferings or at least simplification.
But as and always people who on the error and true ignorance, without understanding universe laws are born, discredits and disturbs to healers. There is no greater mercy for the person as its clearing of a pain, torments and sufferings and is not present more great causes before God, as the help needing healing. After all even The Christ at terrestrial life has shown it to people, curing set of patients.
That the person has not saved up for terrestrial life, all remains here, but here healing gift, ability Divine force to cure a body and soul, the person takes away with itself.
To use this gift further or not is a voluntary business of soul human.
Mother Eudoxia I saw in the next world. As well as at terrestrial life it on service at God and as continues to help people. Turn to it as the streamlet lasts and it is not visible the end. Among people (shower) in turn I have learnt the fellow countrymen. Some of them have died for a long time when I was still the child, and some recently. Certainly they at all still had children and grandsons whom I too know and they live to put it mildly not on the orthodox. The person so is created that a parent soul and after death of the person as worries about the дитё. But as souls of the deceased know all destiny of the children, all their future always try to find though what that a saving straw though as that to help the children. And at all skill, knowledge and force, mother Eudoxia can really work wonders, miracles not subject to mind human!
Here one of letters which come from people to Natalia Ivanovne Stepanovoj, about healing miracles.
I want as to tell one more dream. I see, as if there is roofing felts a temple, roofing felts not a temple, a certain construction, all it from crystal, a wall, a floor, a roof – all. But all walls are covered by icons, faces on icons are not familiar to me (I think it a sort of Stepanovyh), and in this temple, Natalia Ivanovna goes. There Is this temple in a deserted place in desert, and it is put on huge, high four columns.
That gives to people a sort of Stepanovyh, the mankind still cannot realise, here should pass time, but God sees all and the award will be really imperial!!!
Sacred Eudoxia's help.
To live one's life is not so easy as to cross a field - so popular wisdom says. So in life it has turned out that for the short period, all for some years, I had to address already three times for the help in mother Eudoxia though more correctly to tell to Its Sacred soul. I want to tell last case, when suddenly in my organism there was an intolerable pain, as the moon was growing to say prayers there is no sense, and I do not know such prayers which can instantly clean a pain. I have lain down, but the pain did not cease, and all became even worse, and there were no already forces to suffer, and I have decided to call Mother Eudoxia. Though more correctly to tell, such thought itself has come to to me mind. I in thoughts also began to call the Mother, to help though than be. In total some seconds has passed, as suddenly I became, as though to fail in a sleepiness, and then and was at all disconnected. When I have regained consciousness, what pain any more was not, as though it and was not in general. So from this case, I have learnt that Sacred Eudoxia's spirit, it is possible to call even simply by the own words. To this case, I did not know it.
As in hard cases it is possible to call souls of deceased relatives which have lived terrestrial life very justly and are not in a purgatory. It is preliminary necessary to open only special prayer the lock on a coffin that the Lord has allowed soul to go down from heavens, differently it will not turn out. But it is necessary to know that it is impossible to disturb spirits on trifles, the person is obliged to work itself, instead of to use spirits, as an advance orders section!
I want to tell some words concerning the reference to Sacred. The person decided to resort to the help Sacred, should have merits before Sacred, that is some years it is necessary to say every day prayers given Sacred. From time to time, say a prayer many times, I had to read and on forty times for time. For the sake of Sacred fast, on days on which there is no post. For the sake of the help, Sacred make the promise, that is the person from what renounces for the certain period of life, for this purpose, to receive the help. As it is necessary is boundless to love and respect all Sacred. Adequately to behave before images, by all established rules. How many the person will pay, so much and will receive. For example, in the future time will come, when the richest people will give everything only to survive, people will dream to return to the past and all to change, change that occurs now, but, alas, it will be not possible, here then people and learn, how many there is a human life ….
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