On this page all are presented Sacred which were to me in the sleep which revealed secrets of the invisible world the world in which we will come everything, in the beginning by one gate and all to one place, and after 40_ÓÞ day of all will dissolve in different places where we will stay while there will be a Creator on a throne.
I of anybody anywhere do not call also I impose nothing, and simply I explain, through what Sacred that it is possible to learn or receive. But that who will want to learn True, learns, though this way is difficult. But it is necessary to know that sacred it is necessary to pay for each display or the story and this payment high.
If you tell secrets of the lowest world, you strongly do much harm sacred, and usually after that quickly die. How to achieve such ability, I explain on page "Epiphany".

John Prorok

Very much, very strong sacred, allocated with the special power. Nevertheless, very simple, also it is always kind. If you all way which passes smothering after death of the person interests, this sacred to you will tell. If separate secrets of the invisible world interest, it will show, but only for once one plot. But all has begun that John has shown the execution as it occurred.
Moreover, is not only John, but his parents though I do not pray to them. But probably it from for huge respect and honouring of their son by me.
If the head is ill you, this sacred is necessary to you.

Prelate Nikolay Chudotvorets.

Probably there is no person in Russia which would not know this sacred. Nevertheless it is strict, me always straightens out. As that I asked to be it not in a dream, and in reality, to teach me and to help. Then it was in a dream and has told, - «You will see me when in you there will be a present belief». Each holiday it is also each time me a little bit will scold, nevertheless, for me it very much we esteem. Reading of prays sacred, I begin with this sacred. Through it it is possible to receive the answer to any everyday problem.
Besides it has opened to me eyes on some wordly acts and concept about a sin which I understood not correctly.

Great martyr Panteleimon the Healer

This sacred know all as the healer. But this sacred can show to you than you will be engaged in the next world what will be assigned to you a duty. As souls are not free, all of them at business. As it shone when was, simply horror, I stood nearby and as a match it was shone, and it shone as a big fire, all around was in light.

The Matron

Sacred among sacred - I so have told about this woman. God forbid to anybody such destiny. Sacred it is very strong, good, and it is merciful. Likely everyone living on a planet heard, about the Kingdom of heaven in which righteous persons are expected by eternal pleasure. But here anywhere about this pleasure it is told words though I can be mistaken. I read far not all.
But this sacred has not disdained my sinful flesh and was installed in me by spirit, and about three minutes of terrestrial time I stayed in that pleasure in which the sacred stay. Thereby the Lord has allowed me to learn still during lifetime, that such Paradise Pleasure. About it it is possible to read on separate page. Here: the Matron. Besides sacred can answer any your question. If you date of your death interests, sacred to you it names

40 Sacred

Unfortunately sacred are not so esteemed, not only among laymen, but also among priests. In Christian belief it is considered to be, that if the person sometimes goes to church and dies the death the Lord forgives him also it is in the Kingdom of heaven. No, I speak you, all at all so. You have forgotten words of the Christ: «Not everyone speaking to me My God, My God will enter into the Kingdom of heaven, and that who observes precepts Of my Father». When that me this question too was interested also by me have addressed to 40 martyrs. And they in the day in the spirit of have taken away me to my ancestors which the Lord has not forgiven. That I have seen that, mind not to understand, but the main thing not it, but that that them is terrible much, much, it is a lot of … I tell it I can not - it is impossible.
But if I also you can elicit have elicited. I will tell only that seen you will not forget to a grave, and to live a usual life you already never can, since for all gold of the world you will disagree to get there. I will tell still, that then me have brought to Paradise and have allowed to admire this unwritten beauty.
Nevertheless I do not think, that my sort has sins more than others, is simple you do not know where your ancestors.
Besides to this sacred pray if you have made act against the God, ask about protection against punishment or if you were bypassed by happiness.
The one who thinks, that if it is rich, beautiful, healthy, has not learnt burning - is happy, that is mistaken completely. You are unfortunate - on you there is no favour Divine. In Paradise on a Mercedes not to drive, a door this I saw, there even on a skateboard not to drive.


Not looking at that the church as though like does not carry it to a face big sacred, but the power it has the enormous. If on you there is favour Solomona, to you the happiness has dropped out, but at a terrestrial life the destiny will beat and bang, throw you here and there.

At it it is possible to elicit everything, but to trust it is necessary carelessly, and elicit in the special ways. Personally he always abuses me for absence of firm belief. For it is told - «tell a grief to pass both it the metaphor will pass» and it not.

Sacred martyrs Kiprian and Iustina

This sacred concern on a miscellaneous. But I would name their very simple, they are always in the day. But show always everyone the - in the beginning always the Lady. Probably even there the real man remains the man. Sacred are strong, here you will tell nothing. If you secrets of the lowest world interest address to Kiprianu.
The sacred protect from dark forces which always "press" on any person and there is it through thoughts, the person considers, that he thinks itself, but on itself business it is another's thoughts.



The harmless sacred. If you are engaged in business, this is necessary to you sacred, but business should be fair and pure, differently even do not dream of the help. Nevertheless, it well closes from damage, a malefice. If you are not able or do not wish to guess, the sacred can show you your destiny. Esteem this sacred, will not regret.

Iykov brother Gospoden

It is not enough likely people who prays to this sacred. But sacred it is allocated by the power since it goes by birth. Each person on a life tempt set of times, but everyone on a miscellaneous. In the people speak - «where is more thin, there and it is torn». If you wish to see those who you tempts in the appearance, address to this sacred. From seen, probably will be frightened, such in our world is not present. It helps from a flesh sin.

The healer

This icon I saw in a next world. There is it on three step pedestal, the basis is protected by huge gold chains. To touch it it is impossible, it is surrounded by a precipice. But if it is in a lap obligatory to ask long with tears footpaths (gangways) and chains are put forward fall. And light and an icon environment to describe it is impossible. I ask everything, read a pray to this icon every day, and will long live, long.

Just Simeon

Sacred too it is not so esteemed, and in vain, sacred it is very strong. The Lord granted it the special staff, having the power even over the lowest world. Sacred can show such, paternal hair on end will rise. Sacred covers and releases from prisons. If the woman prays these sacred constantly, its children never will get to prison. If owners of the lowest world put upon you pressure, this is necessarily necessary to you sacred in protection, necessarily!

Naum the prophet

This prophet from among strong, can show as above the future, and the world, but it other prophets can also, and pray to this sacred for talent of mind, the name speaks it about it. In this plan it has not enough equal. If you want that your aunts were clever and clever, every day pray to this sacred. I assure you, never will regret.

Saint Zosima and Savvatiy Soloveckie

Sacred strong, much can. If you interests as looks smothering and that from itself represents, these sacred can help you. Also they will show cleanliness of soul, force of belief of any person which you interests, whether it be the priest of your arrival or even the patriarch, from sacred it is impossible to conceal anything.
Also will show hell steps when me drove, how many I there fellow countrymen saw - HORROR,
Those which are still live, even those who else at school studies. Destinies at all are defined for earlier and a place of stay of soul.
Besides they can show your latent abilities about which you do not know, usually the person lives a life not to time not having taken advantage of it. Besides they protect from dark forces. Do not avoid these Sacred.


Saint Anna Prorochitsa and the son its(her) sacred John in Byzantium.

Through them can receive the answer to any question on afterlife, all that you interests.
Here it would be possible to tell much, much, but it is impossible. I will tell only, that with them there was still a Lord - the Christ, in a human appearance. The Lord has answered that strongly tormented me. I will tell
Only, that I felt very strong fear, the more close I approached, the the fear more strongly increased!

Alexey the patriarch

Likely everyone who has read the Bible, the Gospel and life sacred, considers itself grounded in Orthodoxy, whether but so it. Having come into a temple the set of errors which is visible parishioners and even priests make. Many complain about that that now other time. There are no misters, anybody cannot change a rule of belief, not the priest the patriarch. The priest has no right to throw out from the Liturgy a uniform word is a sin. And I seemed in due time have considered everything, having calculated and having established for myself a rule of a house pray. But, once Alexey was in a dream and has specified in my errors in a pray. It is impossible so - he has told - to bow it is necessary in the necessary place - it is impossible to break it.


Martyr Prov

Sacred laymen likely at all do not pray to this, but sacred very strong.
The one who wishes to see the bottom of a hell, this sacred can help you.
At whom weak nerves and heart, never it ask.

Iliy the Prophet

This sacred strict, but its rank is very great, sacred shows all your future as though by the chamber is finished shooting, will show of what you think more often. But to sacred it is very heavy to reach, the big cleanliness in all is required.

George Pobedonosets

Sacred likely know all. If at you the malicious husband or the wife - the snake, you is necessary this sacred. And that against you did not plan, all their plans will fall upon their heads, and you come out the winner. Can not doubt.

Cathedral Michael, Gabriel and other heavenly forces

It do not smother human, and Angela having the higher rank. But since they did not live on the earth human feelings it are unknown. Will reach them hard, but it is possible. At me some years have left. Their help is necessary during the latest moment when all is already tried and there is no rescue. They are called in powerful spells.

Just Ioakim and Anna

To me sacred have advised as to get rid of one illness. Though to this sacred address, if the Lord has punished for sins barreness. And if on the woman there is no mortal sin always it is possible to implore for children.

Alexey the person Divine
Revived Lazar,
Prophet David,
Prophet Moisej,
Prophet Isaia,
Prophet Malakhii,
The apostle of the Onions(Bow),
²Üæ. Ekaterina,
²Üæ. Barbarians,
Prophet Mikheya,
Apostle Andrey

All these sacred simple, respond even if you did not pray to them, it is necessary to deserve simply favour at the Lord. But since spirits it is souls of people, and smothering it is a copy of the person they too I have character which had at a terrestrial life. For example, sacred men respond for me better, probably it because of a floor.
These sacred can show you next world parts, but the next world has not only Paradise and a hell, there much that is, the truth you cannot understand much, since physics laws there do not operate, for example I could not understand as the Lord shines the Paradise world, this strong this world all shines, and the source is not present, as air fills our terrestrial space so there light fills all. But never forget to thank sacred for sacrament!



John Voin
Martyr Trifon
. Guriy, Samon, Aviv
Belief, Hope, Love, Sofia
Prince Vladimir
Princess Olga
. Nikita
Apostle John Bogoslov
Conducted. Dmitry Solunsky
Varlaam Hutynsky
Vasily Veliky

The rights. Alexey of the people Divine
John Zlatoust
The rights. John Russky
Evfrosiniya Suzdal
John Mnogostradalnyj
Apostle Foma
Athanasius Afonsky

These sacred will show you the answer about your destiny or if you wish to know how this or that question will be resolved. You will see a plot of that will occur.


Sergiy Radonezhsky, . Paraskeva,. Dimitriy Rostov.

What is the death? People live, not asking themselves this question. For the majority of people it simply hole, the end only. But actually it only the beginning since examination is handed over and begins a life.
Data sacred have shown on me a death condition.
To explain it it is difficult, the most physical pain in general that is not present. The sensation than that, is similar to as though you skin at a strong narcosis. More precisely as though internally the body tries to slip out a skin. On time, this condition lasts at all on a miscellaneous, it depends on a way of death. The sensation very unpleasant, but is not sick. That part of a body which was left already by soul (has slipped out), becomes as though any more your, dead. But here the fear which is present by parting of soul with a body - is awful!!!
Fear for everything, that you never will not return any more on the mother the earth, will see the sun, not the moon, anybody and anything, fear that expects you, punishment which have probably deserved, and to change already anything it is impossible! With each second while the soul completely will not leave a body fear increases.
And, what then? Then it is a lot of that, but an essence not in it. People having buried deceased, consider, that the body is simply given the earth and now it will be simple to decay.
Actually it at all so. As soon as a tomb will bury, the body begins the transition in afterlife. Transition in other measurement, which in our terrestrial measurement. How - that one dead man have asked - as to you there? On what he has answered - hearts terribly much, and in the rest all is good.
In this answer the pure true is hidden, but speech here went about hearts not the terrestrial. Smothering still is about the buried coffin and sees all physical processes which start to occur to a body, but a powerlessness condition to change something, directs horror.
I have told it very softly, actually all this horror words not to transfer. If do not want,
That it occurred to your body, live justly, observing rules established by church …

Icon of the Virgin «Soon novice».

Through this icon I had a surprising dream, it was long and there was all in a next world.
In it it was shown by what way the help to me will come. After all the help of the Lord or the Virgin,
Not necessarily should proceed from angels, at times happens, that it is necessary all in only council of the person.
Here it was shown, as well as whom, the Lord sends to the help to us and as he it observes of all.
As it concerned only me, I cannot tell. I will tell only, that it was a question of sort ÁâÕßÐÝÞÒëå
From Siberia.
Before this icon I did not pray, but now I will be. I advise also to you. Without the Divine support difficultly in this world


Sacred Eudoxia Siberian.

The Mother is a lot of stores the secrets, it has accepted many to herself, whose souls are pure before the God.
Whose names are not honoured by church, but honoured by the God. There will come day, there will come hour and these secrets will open.
But also till this time the Lord will always find a way as about it to tell to people.
To me always such souls come on a visit. For example once I was on a visit at the monk, its habitation Was near to church where me christen in the childhood, then a temple have destroyed, and now again Have restored. It is necessary to tell, that conditions in which he lived - are simply awful, though also it is softly told.
We sat at a table against each other and talked about belief, but he not to time did not name a name, Has not told about itself. On contemporary records, on this place really there lived the monk, but anybody about it Knows nothing, but after all it is insulting, he has devoted all life to service to the God ….
But here I wish to tell about Siberian healer Eudoxia.
I have a dream as if there is I on a pray, all as usually and suddenly I see, how began to change Vladimir Icon of Divine Mother. For some seconds, the baby has disappeared, and instead of the Virgin I have seen the woman, More precisely to tell the maiden because it was very young. On it there was an unpretentious dress, greyish Kerchief, handles have been combined on a breast, the head was slightly declined on the right shoulder.
In a head at once has sparkled, that it is Eudoxia. I have certainly guessed not itself, it is simple Angela - the Keeper
Has prompted. I do not know why, but suddenly very much it wanted to me to touch it. I have risen from knees, have approached,
Has stretched a hand and … … …, further I will hold back - excuse, not all can be told.
I have devoted verses to this remarkable woman, all life of the devoted help to sinners,
To look it is possible here: Eudoxia.


Savva Consecrated.

On December, 18th. Surprising there were dreams. The whole cinema, is not possible even the maintenance
To retell. But the main thing: it is importance and a post rule, people to a regret arrange
Under itself this rule who as would like, but God sees everything, and the result will be corresponding. Some people consider that it is possible to do a batch of a white flour on posts, but alas - the flour should be rye. It it has been especially pinpointed, all have shown and have told. As went àÐ×ÓÞÒÞàØ about the use of wine and about larceny.
Some priests consider that the consecrated wine which is got for a participle, it is possible to use simply - are not present my dear, it is the big sin. All has been shown on an example of our temple where I live. Even to tell it it is terrible.
I see the person who is in a temple and is engaged in it. I began to convince
It that these sinful acts will lead to its punishment in the next world, but alas he did not perceive my words. Then I have told - will go I to you I will show - and have led it to the big icon of the Christ and have told - My God show that waits for this person in the next world. That has then begun, words not to transfer. All interior of a temple for some seconds has turned to a hell. It only to tell so it has simply turned out, but even I much already seeing and those was terrified … …
Besides, have shown the secret (latent) abilities of people. Unfortunately, people live a life not to time it without having taken advantage. And after all God gives it to us for nothing. But here on an example was are shown not only possibilities of the person, but force of belief. That it is necessary to doubt for a second that it is possible, but even if the drop of doubts will be in the person it will turn out nothing … …
How much I have understood, sacred it is possible for this it prays for manual of the person on a correct way, presently pretty often, people have strongly changed and Unaided from above - hardly that it is possible to make …. Besides pray for strengthening
In belief.
When I speak about strengthening in belief, I do not mean to trust, in that that there is God.
No, after all in God any trusts orthodox, both the devil trusts also all evil spirits trusts and not on
Second does not doubt, since saw It. Strengthening in belief - that strengthening in itself in the forces that with us God and God hears you since is told - tell a grief to pass and it will pass. That is, if the believer calls the higher forces it will hear and to comply with its request. And the post, a prayer, virtue, mercy, a pardon is not belief - It is an orthodox way of life which any person of Christ's belief should execute. Here again there is no sense to discuss - that it is authorised - that is authorised, and that is forbidden - that is forbidden also we the Divine slaves not in the right that or to change … as God has told, and will be.

It I have told only a part, there so much all was. …. Did not expect from this sacred, simply did not expect …!!!

All that is described on this page on Sacred, all it was for a long time and since then has passed many years and all events which it was necessary to see, simply not to describe. Therefore in the end of the year I probably here will publish all annual calendar, i.e. what days are more prophetic. Though Sacred to different people show sympathy on a miscellaneous.
In orthodox religion there are many ways, through a next world to receive the answer to any interesting question. But all these ways demand certain knowledge and force. But if someone does not wish to be engaged in the doctrine, that can use in the prayful way. For this purpose choose from the prayer book some prayers to different icons of the Virgin. Prayers there should be not ìåíå 12, but an even quantity. Prayers are read one for another, before icons in a lap in the morning and in the evening. At reading of prayers, and also in all days it is necessary to hold that want to see, that is the question in a head. In all days of reading it is necessary to hold a post. In some days (in 2 3 days) the desirable will be dreamt.
Everything that it is told on this site not the fiction, all it is checked up by me. This way can use even during posts. The favour of the Virgin is very great, but who does not observe all posts, takes alcoholic drinks and uses foul language, at that it will not turn out ….

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